WTF pic of the week

WTF pic of the week

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Things That May Or May Not Happen This Year

I loathe saying the word resolution. For the most part, it is because they never happen, or that when I say "This year, my resolution is to not be such a dick!" not only do I sound like a chump, it's only a matter of hours before I break this promise to myself, and nothing is more painful than breaking promises to yourself...Except maybe Lupus...Or being slowly digested by a giant venus fly trap. Anyway, despite my refusal to make promises to myself, I did in fact think up some stuff I would like to see happen this year. I know your just teeming with excitement to know so I'll be all adult and shit and share them with you (Whoever you are).

First, my birthday is on the 12th of this month and seeing as how fast time has been moving by since Landon was born, It will be the 12th by the time I get home this evening. So because of this blatant disrespect shown by the space-time continuum, I've decided not to get any older this year. Last year, when people would ask me how old I am, I would jauntily reply "I'm 27! Thank you for asking! God bless us, everyone!" This year, since I am in fact, not aging, I'll say "I'm 27, or something like that, I don't really remember." Of course, seeing as how I only get confronted and asked these nauseating questions by complete imbecilic and exasperating douche-reservoirs, they'll probably ask me "Well, what year were you born?" My favorite response to this question is always an agreeing nod and half smile followed by a glazed stare. This usually ends a conversation.

I may or may not buy a house this year. I was looking last year for a while but I didn't have much luck. Every time I looked at one, something always happened.
I liked it, but Cindy didn't.
I hated, but Cindy liked it, so we naturally put an offer in, and it was declined.
We both liked it but it was declined.
We both liked it and it was accepted but it was a short sale so we died of old age.
I realized it was still in this shit-hole town/state/country and lost motivation.

So I may or may not try again. I don't know yet.

I may or may not take vacation this year. I took a sick day yesterday because I was genuinely sick and all friggin hell broke loose in and around my cubicle. Here's a picture of what my office looks like when I leave for the day:

And this is what I think it looks like when I'm gone:

As you can see, time off isn't something that goes well for me. Several family members have already started planning my vacation for me this year. My brother wants to go camping for a week at Ice House which would be awesome, but unrealistic. My mom wants to go wine tasting which would be cool but would have to be on a weekend due to school and work constraints. My dad wants me to fly to Kentucky which would be cool except for the flying/money/length of time problem. My wife wants to go to Monterey this year which would be a blast but will cost an arm and a leg. I have my annual Man-Weekend at Huntington Lake which has yet to be planned. That can also get pricey with the alcohol, poker money, fishing equipment and snack food. I'm gonna try my best everyone. Seriously.

I may buy a new car this year. This is highly dependent on my decision about the house. For years I have been stuck on the little two door, putzy rice rockets that have no space for anything and habitually end up as useless heaps of scrap metal in my driveway.

I'd like to play a few live gigs this year. Doesn't have to be a regular thing, I would just like to play on stage a few times.

I may or may not finally score with Kate Hudson this year. Probably not, but I'll just put that out there just in case.

I'm having very strong feelings about school and whether or not to continue. I'm extremely overwhelmed with all the work I have to do and I don't know if going on will be the best thing for my stress level. Not to mention the lack of time I get to spend with my family because I'm always in front of a computer. The other issue is, the longer I go, the more money is going to build up in my student loans and the way the economy is right now, finding a job that can pay for all that debt when I finish might be too far out of reach. I would love to get finish this degree program but I already have 1 degree that isnt making me any money, I really dont need 2.

Ok. I'm done typing now.

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